Muna Saleem
Partner & Head of Family.
Muna is a Partner at Prince Evans and a member of Resolution. She is a specialist Family Law Solicitor with a wide range of experience in all aspects of family law including divorce, financial settlement, children matters, cohabitation, separation agreements, civil partnership dissolution and pre-nuptial agreements.
She represents clients in the UK and abroad and has a keen interest and considerable expertise in dealing with complex financial cases with an international element. She enjoys negotiating complex financial claims and focuses on providing practical solutions and pragmatic advice. You will find her approachable, knowledgeable and practical.
Muna is regarded as a sensible, calm and reassuring presence who grasps complex issues quickly and provides clear and robust professional advice in a sensitive and empathetic manner.
Muna frequently acts in complex Children Act proceedings and represented the father in the reported case of F v. F [2013] EWHC 2683 which related to a parental dispute regarding the administration of the MMR vaccination to minors and received considerable media coverage. (The full text of the Judgment can be found at):
Muna Saleem is listed as a Leading Lawyer by Wiselaw