Rise in divorcing couples obtaining a pension-sharing order
Upon divorce, more and more people are looking to share their pensions due to a lack of other assets being available and due to the average age of divorce couples
Upon divorce, more and more people are looking to share their pensions due to a lack of other assets being available and due to the average age of divorce couples
In 3 month’s time, the Child Support Agency (CSA) will be replaced by the Child Maintenance Service (CMS). Many changes are proposed but the emphasis will be on encouraging parents
In law, there is no duty on a landlord to repair or to ensure that the dwelling is habitable There are limited exceptions to this, such as where a tenant
A 79 year old tenant of Housing Pathways Trust in West London had been causing anti-social behaviour at his property since he moved in. Complaints had been received from other
Buried deep within the Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act 2012 is section 144 which makes it a criminal offence for a person to be in a residential
(A). … A Step in the Right Direction? In this legislation, there is recognition by the Government that a social housing tenancy should not be ‘for life’ and that tenants’
The Housing Minister, Grant Shapps, MP announced earlier this year plans to make sub-letting of social housing a criminal offence. As we are all too aware, social housing tenants who
The government announced this week that it intends to overhaul powers to tackle anti-social behaviour and replace them with measures which would make it easier for landlords to evict tenants
Where a Landlord has agreed that the Leaseholder can install timber flooring and under floor heating as part of substantial alterations to a flat, that Landlord cannot then enforce a
Injunctions are a remedy available to the Court as a “last resort” measure to protect people, property and assets during the breakdown of a relationship. Most often, injunctions are associated
Divorce is an unfortunate end result in today’s world. While marriages end for many reasons, the UK courts require that a divorce petition be based upon the irretrievable breakdown of
On the 6th April 2012 Section 184 of the Localism Act 2011 will be in force. The three significant changes which the legislation brings are:- 1. Alteration of the current