What to do when someone dies?
The death of a relative or close friend is a difficult time even before you start thinking of dealing with the deceased’s financial affairs. Most people will never have been
The death of a relative or close friend is a difficult time even before you start thinking of dealing with the deceased’s financial affairs. Most people will never have been
“The Government will introduce the new s21 Housing Act 188 Notice Requiring Possession” Regulations on 1st October 2015. This means that from next Thursday at the start of a new
Landlords must provide tenants with EPC and Gas Safety Certificates and use a new statutory form of Section 21 Notice from the 1st October 2015. There are limits on when
Commercial landlords and tenants will, of course, rely on the terms of the lease they have entered into to determine, amongst other things, what the tenant can and cannot do
“The case of Arnold v Britton and others [2015] is the type of case which, some might say, could well give the Law the reputation of being an “Ass”. Arnold
Family law is undergoing a significant amount of change; the reduction of legal aid, the change in the family court system and many other changes to the process and forms.
As residential property management continues to be more regulated, many landlord clients are seeking to diversify their portfolios and invest in commercial property, particulars with current rate of returns. The
Immigration check rules are still being piloted in the Midlands where a landlord must make checks on a prospective tenant’s immigration status, if they fail to do so then action
Background Sections 79 to 81 of the Housing Act 2004 provided for the introduction of a scheme of selective licensing of private landlords in a local housing authority’s area. Many
In 2007 Lasting Powers of Attorney (“LPAs”) came into force replacing Enduring Powers of Attorney which existed at that time. The reason for replacing Enduring Powers of Attorney with LPAs
Date: Tuesday 16th June Time: 5.30pm registration Venue: St Paul’s Church Hammersmith Queen Caroline Street London W6 9PJ That simple phrase has at least five potential origins. Is it to
The Government’s proposed Housing Bill will give approximately 1.3million Housing Association Tenants the ‘Right to Buy’ their home. The Bill seeks to extend home ownership which forms a key part