Commercial Mediation Law Firm of the Year
Very happy to be announced as the winners of the ‘Commercial Mediation Law Firm of the Year’ by Finance Monthly
Very happy to be announced as the winners of the ‘Commercial Mediation Law Firm of the Year’ by Finance Monthly
There’s no doubt making that first step onto the housing ladder is expensive. We’ve all heard smug economists telling us that ‘renting is a mug’s game’, and that ‘it’s wasted
Being presented with a Settlement Agreement can be a stressful experience. Many employees have never received a Settlement Agreement and for many it may be the only time they receive
The Immigration Act 2014 Introduced the concept of the “right to rent” to the private rental sector. It requires Landlords and their agents to check the immigration status of prospective
In a not entirely welcomed decision, HM Courts and Tribunal Service has confirmed the closure of 19% of court buildings around England and Wales. All of these Courts were already
Ealing Council consult on extending private landlord licensing for all HMO and all rental properties in five wards Ealing Borough Council have announced a 12 week public consultation on extending
Within the Summer Budget 2015 was the announcement that the government was introducing an additional ‘nil rate band’. The nil rate band, currently at £325,000, is the amount that an
In this case, a landlord granted to M&S a lease from 2006 to 2018. The rent was substantial, and the lease included a car park licence fee, a service charge
The recent judgments in these cases send a clear message to those of you embroiled in matrimonial proceedings that financial disclosure must be full, frank and honest and if its
Introduction Overview of the principle of waiver of the right to forfeit a commercial lease. Still a significant amount of uncertainty. So what is waiver? Lease sets out what the
With the increasing longevity of the UK population, ageing and quality of life in later years are becoming a growing concern in society. The demands of longer living, the breakdown
District Judge Silverman, in the County Court at Edmonton, showed his displeasure at a rogue landlord who had illegally evicted a tenant after assaulting him and disposing of his possessions.