Free Seminar: An Essential Seminar on Housing and Leasehold Management for Social Housing landlords

Date: Wednesday 10th June
Time: 3.30pm registration for a 4.00pm start
Venue: British Library, St Pancras, London NW1 2DB

Join Partner, Anthony Best, Partner, Jeremy Teall and Associate, Sharon Porter-Gayle – from Prince Evans’ Social Landlord Housing Team – for an expert and practical guide on the following important matters:

Deregulation Act 2015
Since our last seminar this Bill has now become an Act, with important changes introduced just before it received Royal Assent. Further provisions will come into force during 2015 and we will provide a summary and an update.

Breaches of Lease Terms
Subletting and unauthorised alterations, the steps to take
if a Leaseholder is in breach of his or her lease, either by unauthorised subletting or alterations, and the “reasonable” conditions to request before giving consent.

Access to Leasehold Properties
The remedies available if a Leaseholder, or his or her sub-tenants, will not give access either in emergencies or for routine repairs.

Lease Extensions
As 99 year lease terms are reduced to less than 80 years, which may compromise any sale or re-mortgage, we will advise on the statutory procedure available to Leaseholders and how this can make a significant capital contribution to Freeholders.

Prince Evans’ Service Charge Collection
We will provide details of our service charge collection to ensure efficient and effective recovery, including full payment of legal costs.

We very much look forward to welcoming you to this interactive event that will be both instructive and engaging.

To book a place, please register with Louise Heasman on 07950 248038 or email her at louise@modernday