Covid-19 Update: Our offices are closed – We are open for business (remotely)
I would like to reassure our clients, contacts and friends that Prince Evans remains open for business during this second Lockdown. The office is now closed, subject to a skeleton staff and all our professionals and support staff are working remotely from home, with full access to our secure systems and database and have the ability to process payments.
Please note that Prince Evans’ Front of House, all professionals and support staff remain fully contactable, via our usual telephone numbers and e-mail addresses. During this time we ask that all written communications and documents are sent electronically, where possible. If hard copy documents are needed to be sent, then please speak in advance to the specific individual you are dealing with at Prince Evans. We also have a black coloured drop box affixed to our internal ground floor front door.
We are not now meeting face to face with clients and carrying out home visits, save in exceptional circumstances and are holding telephone conference calls and Zoom/Microsoft Teams meetings instead. As for Court and arbitration hearings and mediations the vast majority of these are now taking place remotely, via telephone conference calls but we remain able to attend hearings, or to instruct representation, as required.
Our priority continues to be the health and safety and wellbeing of our colleagues and clients, to deliver client services of the highest quality and to maintain the quickest possible response times.
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch with me, or any Partner, or Team Leader.
Many thanks and warm regards,
Anthony Best
Managing Partner
Prince Evans Solicitors