Coronavirus – Notice of business continuity
Business as usual
It is difficult to keep up with the rapidly evolving and concerning situation regarding the spread of Coronavirus. I would like to take this opportunity to update you on the approach we are taking to mitigate the potential impact on client service delivery and to minimise the risk Coronavirus poses to colleagues, clients and contacts. I am pleased to tell you our operations are currently unaffected
Our priorities are safeguarding the health and safety and wellbeing of our colleagues, clients and visitors to our offices, delivering client services of the highest quality and maintaining the quickest possible response times. We continue to monitor UK Government advice in the daily televised news conferences and beyond
Prince Evans has an established business continuity plan and an embedded agile working capability that will allow us to continue to support clients remotely in the event that colleagues are required to work from home. Our professional and support staff are equipped for remote working, with access to our secure systems and databases and the ability to process payments. In addition, your Prince Evans’ usual contact telephone number and email address are not effected
Whilst it is impossible to predict the impact of Coronavirus, it does seem clear that the Government will introduce further social distancing measures over the next week or so following the PM’s first daily Coronavirus news conference today (16 March 2020). We have already taken the precautionary step of cancelling or postponing client events and are limiting client meetings and face to face contact, replacing them with telephone conference calls and FaceTime, as far as possible
Consistent with this, please do not attend our offices without a prior appointment
These are uncertain times and we are already supporting a number of clients in dealing with and preparing for the potential impact of Coronavirus
I would like to take this opportunity to reassure you that Prince Evans is ready to support individuals and business clients, with all measures at our disposal not only to maintain continuity of service but also to help you plan and prepare for the challenging times ahead
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch with me, or any Partner, or Team Leader